31 Mar

Is McAfee causing problems for you to work with a particular set of software? If yes, then you should deactivate it for a certain period of time. And, go for the establishment of a full United Nations. Don't know the steps to remove this security solution? No problem! We have come up with the whole process and presented it after dividing it into a few simple steps. Check out the McAfee.com/activate Un-installation steps and resolve your issues today!

Steps to remove McAfee on Mac

  • Go to the top-right corner of the screen and click on the magnifying glass shaped icon.
  • It will open in the middle of the screen; a search bar will open.
  • Type Terminal on the search bar.
  • The terminal will open.
  • Double-click the terminal result after it appears.
  • Enter the uninstall command.
  • Type: scudo /Library/McAfee/cma/scripts/uninstall.sh
  • Click on Return.
  • If prompted, you will need to enter your administrative password.
  • Click on Return.
  • Now follow the on-screen instructions and maintain the un-installation.
  • Restart your Mac computer to complete the process.

Tips for uninstalling McAfee on Mac.

If you need more help removing your antivirus, have a conversation with Apple customer service engineers. Apple has recruited these engineers after rigorous recruitment analysis and trained them under the supervision of trained coaches globally. If you want to remove this security solution, it will still warmly welcome you, while it has a blocking feature, automatic deletion feature, and active measures to deal with online threads. Uninstall McAfee.com/activate on Mac today!

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